Sunday, April 20, 2014

Endless Recordings of a Finite Life

There's an older Native American belief that a photograph of you steals a piece of your soul.

On some level, and maybe not even in the way it's meant, this idea makes sense to me.

That picture is a moment in time that is not supposed to be relived. When you spend your time reliving it, you're not experiencing the present.

And that isn't you or your life anymore anyway. Isn't it better to be in the present moment than thinking about a different one?

I wonder how much time of our lives is spent thinking about a different time of our life. 

And when you're having a picture taken, you aren't even really being yourself. You're trying to appear to be some version of yourself. A version you want other people to perceive you as, and one you'll want to remember.

A camera can't record the memory the way we have it in our head. The story in our head has so many more layers to it than a photograph can show. 

What do people who take endless pictures think will happen if they don't? 

How much are they missing because they do?

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