When I have a dream that's vivid, and I remember it long after I've had it, I share it here because it feels to me like a message and something that all of us can benefit from.
This morning I had such a dream.
I was in an airplane flying somewhere and there was an announcement that we would be exiting the plane and flying the rest of the trip on pillows through the clouds.
The next thing I knew, I was kneeling on my nursing pillow coursing through the clouds. The announcement was so matter-of-fact, I thought this has to be OK, even though it seemed awfully dangerous, and I looked around for my co-passengers to see what they thought of it all and it turned out, I was the only one flying in the clouds.
I knew I had no wiggle room for getting upset. The best hope I had was to stay calm and see my journey through.
I wasn't falling, or freezing, so maybe it was safe after all.
At a certain point there was another announcement, as though I were still on the plane. This time the pilot said we would be coming upon a mass of storming clouds, but not to worry, it was safe to pass through them. It only meant we would be flying over a beach and part of the ocean.
I saw the roiling clouds ahead and considered hanging on to the front of the pillow, but leaning down seemed too precarious, so I just maintained my upright seated position.
All seemed OK as I entered the roiling clouds, just as the pilot said it would be.
I looked down and I was flying over New York City; in fact, I was quite close to it. Close enough to recognize a lamp-post. An intact, shiny black lamp-post that suggested a much cleaner, more civilized city than its current incarnation.
I reached my arm out and when I got close enough, hugged the lamp-post and slid down to earth.
My journey was not quite over yet. Now I was in the city and had to decide what to make of being here.
Then I woke up. It was early and I wanted to go back to sleep, but the dream gave me an unsettled feeling and my bed was not the warm safe space it normally feels, so I left it.
Anyhoo, I've been thinking about my message. Thank you, guides, by the way, for delivering it to me and my blog-reading peeps (If I have any? Any at all? Leaving a comment to let me know would be awesome, by the way.).
To parse, I was in what seems on the surface to be a dangerous situation, leaving a plane to fly through the clouds on a nursing pillow. But I was safe the whole time. Even though it seemed as though I shouldn't be. Although I couldn't see who or what was keeping me safe, I was safe.
The pilot never left me, even though I'd initially felt kicked out.
Birth into life?
The plane was existence before birth. Then it was time to incarnate, and life is kind of like a flight through the clouds. We can't see whether we're safe or not. Life very often feels unsafe. Especially now that every bad thing that happens to the innocent can be accessed by just checking our phone, whether we want to see it or not.
I think this is my guide's way of telling me that although life can seem incredibly disturbing, and as though there is no one looking out for our well-being, or the well-being of our fellow human travelers who suffer at the hands of the more powerful over them, this is not actually the case.
It's important to remember that to help those who suffer wrongly, we need to focus on all that is good. This is the way to help them. Because we will make ourselves an environment that, when others come near us, they will know that they too are light, and so much grander and more amazing than anything any lesser being ever did to them, and they will no longer identify with what those others did. They will know who they truly are, and going forward, this will inform their experience on earth, not what others have done.
The people who are suffering are all around us, not just those who are far who we read about on our phones. We impact all who come into contact with us, so we need to make ourselves a healing presence in general. To become a healing presence, stop focusing on the negative. Be aware of the light within and let it shine. Be who you came here to be. Know who you are: a perfect being of light inside an earthly body, flying through the clouds on a nursing pillow.
And the more we focus on what is good, that we all are safe, that we can all become a healing presence, the larger the goodness and safety will become, until we create a heaven on earth. This is doable, because beings who want to be a healing presence outnumber lesser beings by far far far. The lesser beings just get more airtime, for the same reason we read Dante's Inferno, and not Dante's Paradiso.
That is the task before us. Let us all put down our phones. Our devices, whatever. They are feeding our minds too much negativity. Put them down and focus on growing our beautiful internal light, so that it will eventually reach the light of those around us and ultimately illuminate all, and there will be no more darkness.
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