Monday, December 2, 2019


In a moment of meditation recently, I was sitting in the clouds looking back at my life. I wanted to know the impact I'd had on the world during my time here.

I thought what I saw would have to do with meditation, that I would see the people I've in some miniscule way inspired or encouraged to meditate and the impact it's had on their lives.

But that isn't at all what I saw.

Instead, I saw people I'd worked with who I'd had to stand up to and set boundaries around. A friend I ghosted because it was clear she was no friend. Family members I have little to do with because that's what's best for me. Ex-boyfriends whose invitations on social platforms I've ignored.

What I saw was the impact that my having set boundaries had on these people in my life. They held no animus toward me. Instead, they learned something from it.To respect oneself.

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