Monday, May 24, 2010


Working at the crazy pace I’d become accustomed to a few years ago, I’d made it impossible to have a relationship with a new boy. How could I meet someone if all I ever did was work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep …

I was basically in survival mode; all I could think about was how not to get fired. The last thing I wanted to do was bring someone into the wreck that was my personal life.

More than that, after the end of my last relationship I wanted a break from boys. By the time my heart and work life stabilized and I realized I wanted a new person in my life, I was approaching 40 and not exactly fighting back crowds of men.

But, I told myself it was time for a new guy, and it was OK that I’d taken a break because there was always Internet dating. Surely I’d meet lots of great guys that way!

A hundred creepy dating sites later I saw how naïve it was to put all my relationship eggs in the online basket.

The Internet brings all kinds of interesting men into your life. Mostly divorced men other women had the good sense to leave.

After a while online I was asking myself all kinds of philosophical questions I never thought I’d have to ask, like, if you reap what you sow, and all I meet are jerks, does that mean I’m a jerk?

And, now that I’m 100 years old, should I go ahead and settle?

Also, if feeling that spark and getting crazy over someone in the beginning is no indication the relationship will work out, does it mean it can work out if you feel revulsion in the beginning?

Here’s one that came up a lot for me: When do you put up with a jerk and work together and grow, and when do you see the signs and run? Which kind of goes hand-in-hand with: When does someone’s strange angry random outbursts signal you to run, and when do you choose to work it out?

The more mundane parts of dating are daunting as well.

In my experience, men will pay for dinner on the first date, even if you offer to pay half. When you offer they’ll wave you off, like, “Who, me? I’d never allow the woman to pay.”

By the second date, the chivalry is dead and they’re more than willing to let you foot half the bill.

Guys should pay for everything for at least a month after you first have sex. At that point, it’s perfectly fine to start splitting expenses. Until then, if you let us pay, we will think you’re a cheap bastard and we’re usually right.

Women should heed these cues. A guy who lets you pay on the second date usually has other stingy traits as well. I’ve found that men who let you pay right away also have a mental block admitting they’re wrong about anything.

If a guy lets you pay on the second date, run, girls, run! Think about it. How much does your dinner cost anyway?

So, I looked at pictures online and read profiles and wrote my own. But what do you search for when what you want is to feel, when that person is in the room with you, even if you aren’t doing anything important, that all is right with the world?


  1. maybe i'm biased but who really needs a man much less a boy. i agree 100% on who should pay for the dates. i'm most definitely not a gold-digger but i think if the man is happy to pay for the dates it means he really appreciates and enjoys your company.

    also i think if you're not sure whether or not to run or work something out it means you should run; because if you're questioning it it signals your feelings for this person don't run deep enough to deal with the adverse situation.

    oh, and never, ever settle, it's never worth it!

  2. Wow - great comment! Thanks, Rosa! =)

  3. a. Well then I guess I must be a divorced man (at least I'm not a boy) that another woman had the good sense to leave. Actually was the other way around.

    b. Although I try to live my life with the certainty that you reap what you sow, it sometimes seems that you pretty much reap whatever you're gonna reap no matter what. And in fact most of the women I meet are either emotionally broken, overly medicated, or in serious need of some. So the fact that you aren't willing to date jerks or settle for one doesn't make you one. Though it might make you have less dates. It will pay off in the end; don't worry. You just might have to be single until you are 1000.

    c. True jerkhood or strange angry random outbursts ealry on but really any time in a relationship = run. It will only get worse

    d. You are pretty well preserved for 100. I must be 150.

    e. I usually pay, but do appreciate when a "girl" offers. And means it. And even does it every so often, to show she cares. If she does. Splitting the bill is stoopid and petty. Stinginess with money is usually indicative of stinginess with love and time and attention and other things. It's not just what you give but how you give it.

    f. Thing is, for the guy you are looking for that will make you feel that all is right in the world just sitting in a room with him, you don't even really need to go out to dinner...
