Sunday, January 19, 2014

Fun New Project - Involving YOU!

Hello lovely, blog-reading fuzzy puppies ...

I want to try something new, but for it to manifest into something, I need you to participate.

You know how, when I have an issue on my mind, I meditate on it and get the most beautiful messages? And then I share them with you on this blog, because they aren't just for me. They're for everyone.

What would happen if I meditated on questions you want answered?

I'd like to find out.

If you have something on your mind, an issue that's unresolved in your life, something you want an answer to, e-mail me or inbox me on Facebook. I will meditate on it for you. Share as many or as few details as you'd like.

You have to be OK with me sharing your issues and the messages from my meditation with my blogsters. Of course, you'll remain anonymous, unless you prefer I share your name. And then, I probably would only share your first name ...and, if you want, I could share a pseudonym.

Bear in mind, I have no idea if this will work. But it should be fun trying ...

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