Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Viral Message

As you know, I believe in messages.

This morning in meditation, I asked covid-19 what its message is for us.

The virus disintegrated and out of it ran a million angry men in suits, all fighting to get their way. It's reflective of the current social environment, people are mean to each other and put each other down. The apex is the criminal-in-chief himself.

One man ran right up to my face in this meditation, anger spilling out of him. But I wasn't afraid. At all. I knew he had no power over me. He could do nothing. He was almost like a wax figure. When he came up to my face and screamed in my face to scare me and I didn't react, he started to cry.

And I knew it's all from fear.

People are so angry with each other out of fear of so many things.

Being fearless protects us.

By "fearless" I don't mean you go skydiving or to the jungle or something (unless you really want to). It means, you live in a state of joy, of wonder at the amazing gift of life and the earth we've been given. It means you find life and living delightful. It means you walk around in a cloud of stars.

We have created covid-19 from fear.

We can get rid of it by being fearless.

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