Monday, February 21, 2011

It's Magic, Ya Know ...Never Believe It's Not So

So, my yummy, cutie, sweetie Valentines, if anyone tried my roasted peeps recipe for Valentine's, or for not Valentine's, let me know how you liked them.

And don't be embarrassed to admit you roasted a peep. There's no shame in melty, sugary goodness.

Anyhoo, I want to share with you a freaky experience I had this weekend.

I was at the Sivananda ashram in upstate New York with some friends.

On the way up, Shakti mentioned she'd sent Omkar an e-mail with a video attached, but it bounced back to her. She never explained what the video was.

Cut to Sunday morning - I'm in savasana (corpse pose) at the end of class, right next to Shakti. I become very relaxed in savasana and go into meditation.

I see myself ice skating on a pond. Part of the pond is white, snowy and frozen. But there's a circle in the ice that's transparent - obviously not frozen solid.

I skate backward, in what feels like slow motion, onto the circle and very slowly, in fetal position, fall backward into the water.

I'm braced to be engulfed in freezing water, but it's warm and slushy. It's neither ice, nor water, and it isn't at all cold. It supports me.

I straighten out of fetal position, turn around and start swimming under the beautiful, warm, royal blue water.

I eventually see a rock formation under the water with changing words on it. I think it's a message for me. The one word I make out is "are" but then I become aware of the yoga teacher repeating "relax, relax," and my meditation is interrupted. I can't make out any other words.

After class I have lunch with Shakti and Omkar and Shakti mentions to Omkar that she'd sent him a video but it had bounced back to her.

The video was of a phenomenon that occurs in Yellowstone called "frazil ice," which is neither ice, nor water, nor cold. It's something slushy in between.

How bizarro is that? Shakti hadn't said anything about the specifics of the video before my meditation.

Was I picking up her thoughts? I had to be. It's too similar. Slushy, warm, ice? What's the likelihood my meditation was not connected to Shakti's thoughts about the video?

One of the teachers this weekend said that only ten percent of our thoughts are original. The other 90 percent are from the collective unconscious.

If it's true that Shakti's thoughts were in my mind, and we basically think the thoughts of the people around us, it underscores the importance of being around people who have a positive attitude, and won't poison our minds, and by extension, our lives, with their negativity.

We all know who these people are. You just never feel good around them. Not about yourself, your life, your world in general. Nothing feels good. You have to tiptoe around these people and choose every word carefully. It's exhausting. And the people around these people are generally the same way, so if you let one in, soon you're dealing with a whole swarm of creepy people and it becomes tough to disentangle.

Better to recognize these people as early on as possible and not engage in the first place. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, not tear you down. This doesn't mean you can't fight with friends/loved ones. It means when you do, no one is disrespectful, dismissive, callous. You care about each other and act that way. You feel good and supported.

Another bizarro thing happened this weekend.

A friend of Wendi's came to the ashram with us. This friend is hard of hearing.

Without any of us knowing beforehand, there was a teacher at the ashram offering classes for the deaf this specific weekend. This woman teaches sign language, and Wendi's friend had been wanting to learn.




Couldn't be.

Life is magic.

Sometimes the magic is so obvious it smacks you in the face.

Other times, you don't get smacked, but the magic is still there.

Let me know about the magic in your lives, my adorable, lovely, yummy yummy Valentines …

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