Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Message

So, as you know, I have uterine fibroids.

Up to now my strategy has been, pretend they don't exist and move on.

But, they're like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. They will not be ignored.

So, I'm having to deal with them and actually do something.

This morning in meditation, I decided to ask what they want me to know. I think illness, or any kind of imbalance in the body, is a reflection of a mistaken belief one has about oneself.

So I decided to stop seeing them as an annoyance and instead as a messenger and asked what they want me to know.

All of my insides evaporated. My skull went away. My skeleton. My organs. Everything organic inside me was gone. All I was left with were the fibroids.

I went down and asked one.

What do you want me to know?

It didn't say anything. But I knew I needed to break it open. So I did.

In the middle was a beautiful, perfect red ruby.

Another contained a perfect blue sapphire.

Inside another was an emerald.

And I knew what they're telling me.

I have so much to give.

I have an endless supply of love to offer - the red ruby.

I have wisdom to share - the sapphire.

And the ability to inspire others to be healthy, the emerald.

My mistaken belief was that I was inadequate somehow. With nothing to offer.

But this just isn't true.

I thanked the fibroids for their message. And told them they can go now.

I no longer need them.


  1. What a beautiful posting. Your meditation helped me remember that we all have untapped treasures within us. Despite how inadequate we might feel at times, we have the ability - no, we have the obligation - to share these treasures with others. I think that is the key to fulfillment. Sharing our inner treasures with each other helps all us become more whole.

  2. That's so beautiful. We all do have untold treasures inside. The things that bother us that we tend to focus on are external to us and are only really details in life. The more we focus on the details, the less we focus on what we have to give and on what we have in our lives to be grateful for.
